Grassroots Marketing Media Package
AL Grassroots Marketing Highlights
- Database with thousands of prospect orgs across multiple industries
- Experienced marketing team ensures results using phone calls and email contact
- Programs may be designed to include tracking via digital analytics and other reporting metrics
PSN has developed a database of several thousand media, health and educational organizations for this marketing channel. PSN has been highly effective setting up networks of strategic media and partner relationships to disseminate messaging to targeted regional, state and local markets for nonprofit and government campaigns. The outreach will focus on establishing relationships with stakeholder organizations for both digital and other multi-media PSA placements, including: Web banners, social media blurbs, video banners and traditional broadcast video and audio spots. All content will point the target audience to the client’s website or a designated campaign landing page for more information. PSN will work with the client to create a list of organizations to target in order to build a strategic stakeholder network.
This program is available in every state and provides 80 hours of services that may be applied against partner marketing, media advisory and web banner production and reporting.
Content Specifications:
Media Advisories: Included as part of the campaign and provide an overview and easy point and click access to radio and television PSA spots. Used in conjunction with pitching local broadcast radio and television stations and cable outlets.
Television and Radio spots should be available in :15, :30 and :60 lengths (:30 seconds are the most popular format).
Digital Web banners should include the following primary banner sizes in a static or animated format: 160×600; 728×90 and 300×250.
Content Production:
Digital Web banner production includes the production of the following primary banner sizes in a static or animated format: 160×600; 728×90 and 300×250.
If you would like further customization options please contact a PSN representative to discuss your campaign.