Waiting Room Package

AK Waiting Room Locations

AK Waiting Room Highlights

  • Circulation to more than 120,000+ medical offices
  • Distribution to 323,500+ physicians
  • Reaches 194+ million annual patient visits
  • Low PSA pricing



PSN WaitingRoom offers distribution of 30 second video PSAs via a nationwide network of thousands of flat screens located in physician offices, emergency rooms, clinics and urgent care facilities. This network offers government agencies and nonprofits both geographic and demographic targeting for their health messaging. The audience includes clinicians, patients and caregivers which can be narrowed by focusing distribution on specific specialties or locations. For example, including emergency rooms and clinics when targeting underserved populations versus exclusive use of physician waiting rooms.

This program is available in every state and provides up to 250,000 gross impressions 18+ over a 3-6 month flight, depending on the state. Multiple spots may be rotated in the same program or flight.

Content Specifications :

Video spots for this channel should be :30 in length and available in Pro Res HD files. No slates or countdown are required.

Content Samples:

If you would like further customization options please contact a PSN representative to discuss your campaign.